We hope you can attend our Annual Christmas Potluck Celebration
Saturday, December 8, 2018.
For meeting details and to RSVP please click on link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4CADAF2CA1FD0-christmas
We will be celebrating a special milestone and hope all members can sign-up and come.

SAMI brings Christmas Cheer at Merritt Island 2018 Parade
Did you hear . . . SAMI has already brought happiness to the Merritt Island community by participating in the parade!
You can also bring a smile to others by bringing hurricane supplies and simple non-battery operated toys to our monthly meetings. Our goal is to be prepared for opportunities the Holy Spirit calls SAMI to fulfill. Thank you for giving what you feel our Lord has impressed you to share with others.
Giving Gifts in Honor of Loved Ones

Matching funds available, for donations given toward the purchase of motorcycles for pastors!
Many of us are blessed to have more than enough this holiday season and our loved ones are equally blessed.
Please consider giving to Sowers4Pastors, the mission our November guest speakers shared. They are serving in the mountainous areas of Honduras. We invite you to learn more about their ministry that is empowering communities by giving a hand-up to indigenous pastors and mothers who are serving their local people.
Visit Allen and Trish at www.Sowers4Pastors.com, read their latest post from 12/6/18 at www.Sowers4Pastors.blogspot.com, or follow them on Facebook at Sowers4Pastors and Manna 4 Lempira, latest newsletter about crisis at our border. All donations are tax deductible and can be made online through the link on their website, or by mailing a check payable to:
PO Box 1288
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170-1288
Special “Thank you!” to all who gave on #GivingTuesday
for Pilots for Christ to upgrade aircraft to meet the FAA mandate for ADS-B, a safety enhancement. Our aircraft at each Chapter are used for mission transportation, hurricane relief, patient transport as well as training for future missionary pilots. If you want to help Servant Air Ministries please visit our donation page.
Are you ready? Do you feel cheerful or “scroogy”?
As we go through the season of Advent and the Celebration of Lights comes to a close, you can become more aware of your motivation for giving by listening to this podcast.
We pray you have a Christ filled Christmas and you will greet everyone you meet in 2019 with a hope-filled heart.
Thank you for praying for our leaders, members and volunteers who are sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.