Ready, Set, Go SERVE!

Two Great Opportunities to Serve Saturday, January 26, 2019: Young Eagles Flights @ Merritt Island Airport SAMI needs volunteers to help at the tables give out log books to the children who fly in our 172 and experience flight for the first time. Please meet across the field from SAMI’s hanger at 8 am. 900 […]

Aztec Plane Ready for Hurricane Michael Relief Mission

It will take a lot of effort to help the communities in North Florida and the Panhandle get back to the blessed daily routines of going to “work” outside of a “home.” We want to bring Christ’s love and supplies to our Florida communities up north as soon as possible. Servant Air Ministries / Florida […]

Support SAMI’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Mission Flight

Servant Air Ministries, Inc. (SAMI) planes are headed to Lumberton, Texas with food and emergency supplies to help the community that survived Hurricane Harvey. Lumberton is cutoff from Beaumont, where the bulk of relief supplies are being shipped. Currently, Lumberton is only getting emergency aid from a helicopter flying out of Beaumont. SAMI planes will […]

A Couple Reminders

Important Reminders: 1. Don’t forget the monthly SAMI meeting is Saturday, Feb 14th at 9:00 am. We will meet you at the SAMI hanger at 471 Manor Drive Merritt Island FL 2. Bring a side dish, a friend, your musical talent and your best stories 🙂 3. Membership fees are due for 2015, however you don’t […]

Air Show Volunteers Needed

The Spring air shows are fast approaching and SAMI is in need of some volunteers. If you can man-the-booth or help with set-up and take-down, please contact Victoria Mandracken ASAP. Victoria email: TICO air show dates: March 13-16th Melbourne air show dates: March 21st and 22nd We are currently checking on tickets for volunteers […]

We Need Parade Volunteers

ATTENTION SAMI MEMBERS: Walk in the Merritt Island Christmas Parade this Saturday Dec. 6th! Meet at the Servant Air Ministries Hanger 471 Manor Dr. 8:15 am Bring Candy to pass out to children along parade route and your favorite Promises from God (Scripture Verses) to pass out to adults. Please wear your SAMI shirts, walking […]

Pilots For Christ Convention Open To Non-Members

Grab a friend, family member, fellow pilot or the nearest homeless person and buy them a ticket to the 30th Anniversary Celebration for the International Pilots For Christ Convention. You don’t have to be a member to attend. The fun and fellowship along with some great speakers, entertainment and music is well worth the ticket […]

A Helping Hand

September SAMI Meeting This Saturday 9AM

Don’t forget about the SAMI meeting this Saturday, September 13th at the SAMI hanger at the Merritt Island Airport. The meeting starts at 9AM and goes until around 1PM or whenever all the pilot stories have been told 🙂 Lots of fun for the whole family.   For those of you who are willing and […]

SAMI To Host 2014 Pilots for Christ International Convention

October 2014 looks to be an exciting month for SAMI and friends. We will be hosting the International Convention for our parent organization, Pilots for Christ. There is a lot of work to be done and only six short months until the date is upon us. We need your help! We are narrowing down the […]