Soul’s who follow their hearts thrive – SAMI Serves

Souls who follow their hearts thrive; fools bent on evil despise matters of soul. Proverbs 13:19

Each of us are given gifts and talents from our LORD. Many of us continue to grow our talents through education and career choices which become our Livelihood. Some of us catch God’s grace, develop a relationship with Him and realize the vine has given us gifts to serve the people around us and all of His creation! A few of us combine our Love of God with our talents and gifts to serve. At SAMI we have members, supporters and friends from other ministries who have chosen to serve in this manner.

Ragged Island Mission Trip Started this Week.
1st Flight February 4th

At 9 am the Aztec departed on its first flight to Ragged Island Bahamas. The crew shown in photo are helping the people of Ragged Island recover from hurricane damage on their homes and crews will eventually rebuild the church that was totally destroyed. This is a special missionary event that SAMI is joining the Tennessee Chapter of Pilots for Christ members to complete.

Next trips to keep in prayer are planned are for:
February 11-15
February 18-22
February 25-Mar 1

If you are interested in volunteering to rebuild please note the work will be mostly roofing with possibly some framing and sheeting work.  If you can’t climb we can use you to do cutting and other stuff.  For the remaining weeks in February (11 to 15 and 18 to 22) please contact Ryan Roberts

Upgrade Cessna 172 Panel

On the same day, our beloved Cessna 172 was placed in the radio shop hanger for the panel makeover which will take approximately 3 weeks to complete. Thank you Sam Parsons and SAMI members for your generous support of this special upgrade project.

Young Eagles

Mission Flight Coordinator Dick Blondin reported a great turn out on Saturday, January 26th. SAMI’s 172 did a total of 15 flights and youth had the opportunity to not only try flying in an airplane but also helicopters. 13 pilots at the Merritt Island Airport completed 105 flights during a 90 degree crosswind at 18 knots. When the  wind gusts went above 24 knots the pilots halted all flying – the pilots were experienced at reading the heaven’s. Similar to Bob Lehton’s worship message last month, each pilot had the joy of seeing the heavens and grounded themselves to keep our community safe.

This was a very successful event for the people in our East Coast community with 3 times the amount of youth that came to the last Young Eagles event to experience flight and learn more about aviation. Thank you for all of your prayers and a big THANK YOU to the one individual who came to help with the 175 youth who registered to fly!

The next Young Eagle Event at Merritt Island is Saturday, April 27. Please come to the FBO across from the SAMI hanger at 8 am to help families with youth receive a log book and learn about aviation.

Sebring Air Show

On the same Saturday as the Young Eagles Event, Sam Parsons was joined by John and Nancy to share our ministry at the 2nd largest air show in Florida – US Sport Aviation Expo. When rain came to the field our air show hosts graciously helped SAMI move to a tent where members and guests continued sharing how we use flight to help spread the Gospel.

Friendly Reminder – Next Meeting February 9th!

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