September 2016 SAMI Newsletter

SAMI Flights:

SAMI Moves Missionary Family to Bahamas

Servant Air Ministries successfully moved missionaries Justin and Carly Jones with their dog and household goods to the Bahamas on September 15th. The couple clapped upon landing in Marsh Harbor and are excited to share the Gospel in the Bahamas.

Thank you Steve Miller, Sean Holloway and Kevin Harlinski for completing all the maintenance work on the Aztec so it would be ready for this important mission flight. Thank you Scott Saunders for safely flying the couple’s household to their new missionary field.

Please keep the Jones in your prayers. Thank you.

SAMI Mission Flight June 14, 2016 (Copy) 2

Justin and Carly Jones with their dog and Scott Saunders

SAMI Mission Flight June 14, 2016 (Copy) 3

Carly and Justin are happy to bring the Gospel to the people in the Bahamas









Upcoming Mission Flights to Keep in Prayer:

  • October 12 Mission Flight to Gainesville
  • October 23 Pony Express Mission Flight to Minnesota

Ministry Opportunities:

Lawn Crew Needed: the grass around the SAMI hanger needs to be mowed once a week and every two weeks during the winter. If you can provide this service please email

Chapel Clean-Up Crew Needed: before the 2nd Saturday of every month our chapel and bathroom needs to be cleaned. If you are interested in joining the clean-up crew to provide this service please email

Air shows and special events are where people learn about our ministry and we find new members. If you are able to help SAMI have a booth at one of these events please contact Kyle Dixon at or phone 321-289-2613.

  • Young Eagles Day, Merritt Island Airport, October 22
  • Stuart Air Show, November 4, 5, and 6:


  • We greatly appreciate the volunteers who cleaned up all the Bibles and boxed them neatly for future distribution at upcoming air shows. Thank you for getting this job done during the fellowship time at the September SAMI meeting.
  • Thank you Pastors Tom and Mike for leading us in worshiping God with singing and guitar music during our September SAMI meeting. Congratulations Pastor Tom on giving your first message, How to Love Your Wife According to the Bible!
  • Thank you Mike Biondi for volunteering to help clean-up the chapel once a month.
  • Thank you Ryan for improving SAMI’s website by adding a calendar for scheduling flight lessons, mission flights, aircraft maintenance, air shows, events and volunteer opportunities. The SAMI website looks great and the calendar adds a lot of detailed information for members!

Prayer Request: SAMI is a chapter of Pilots for Christ International. Please join us in praying for the successful purchase of three Phenom 100 6 passenger airplanes to put in three locations across the USA (west coast, central, east coast). The purchase of these planes would include training and each would be set up with a stretcher for non-ambulatory people. These are fast, fuel efficient jets built in Melbourne, Florida. Please pray we find large corporate donors to help us increase our ability to serve. Thank you!

Friendly Reminders:

Next SAMI meeting October 8th @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Brevard Country Sheriff Aviation Unit will give a presentation. They have also invited us to an open-house of their hanger for a helicopter photo opportunity. Please bring a dish to share at our BBQ following the meeting. Thank you!
SAMI Hanger, 471 Manor Dr, Merritt Island, FL 32952 United States.


Share SAMI: members are encouraged to share our ministry with their local church family and pastors. If you would like a SAMI board member to share our ministry and see how we can help your church (remember SAMI can fly pastors to meetings!) please contact Dick Blondin at or phone 321-544-1317.

SAMI Information: Visit our website and Facebook page

SAMI Membership (New and Renewal):  is only $35 per year which includes membership to SAMI and Pilots for Christ! Members have access to all detailed information about upcoming missions and volunteer opportunities on the website calendar. SAMI exists to serve others so they can better know Jesus Christ, or discover Him for the first time. If you want to jump in and serve GOD, learn to fly, and be a part of the mission, you need to be a member of SAMI. Subscribe for a Membership and enjoy all of the benefits.





Posted in SAMI.