SAMI Helps Grand Bahamas Children’s Home

On October 15, 2016, Servant Air Ministries delivered two generators, medical and baby supplies to the Grand Bahamas Children’s Home. Due to hurricane Matthew, this orphanage that cares for 49 children has lost power and potable water. The director Sheila was very grateful for the supplies and is hoping the island will have power in three months. The children were happy, smart and very loving. The children made beautiful coloring pages for each SAMI member to bring home. Please keep the Grand Bahamas Children’s Home in your prayers.

Thank you East Coast Christian Center, Eau-Galilee Baptist Church and each individual who donated supplies and funds to make this mission trip possible. Thank you Scott Saunders, Scott Langston and Chris Lawrence for personally delivering these important supplies.

More children need our help! Please help SAMI deliver supplies to Emmanuel Children’s Home in Haiti. Read more

Supplies for Grand Bahamas Children's Home

Supplies for Grand Bahamas Children’s Home

Scott Langston, Chris Lawrence and Scott Saunders fly supplies to Bahamas

Scott Langston, Chris Lawrence and Scott Saunders fly supplies to Bahamas

Grand Bahamas Children's Home

Grand Bahamas Children’s Home

The loving children making coloring pages for SAMI members.

The loving children making coloring pages for SAMI members

Scott Langston receives a coloring page

Scott Langston receives a coloring page

Scott Saunders enjoyed being with the children

Scott Saunders enjoys being with the children

Posted in SAMI.