2012 SAMI Christmas Party
SAMI Hanger, Merritt Island Airport
SAMI invites you to the 3rd Annual Covered Dish Christmas Party, sponsored by Todd Aeromotive and Servant Air Ministries.
DATE: Monday December 12th, 2012
LOCATION: Servant Air Ministires Hanger
(right under the Merritt Island Airport Beacon on the north side of the airport)
TIME: 6pm – 8pm
We would like to invite all airport tenants, family and friends to join us, socialize, and bond together as we Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
WHAT TO BRING: Please bring a covered dish.
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Alcoholic beverages.
Please RSVP by December 7th to Dick Todd: 321-652-3735 or 321-480-5559
We look forward to seeing you at the Christmas party!
Merry Christmas!