SAMI Christmas Party

2012 SAMI Christmas Party
SAMI Hanger, Merritt Island Airport


SAMI invites you to the 3rd Annual Covered Dish Christmas Party, sponsored by Todd Aeromotive and Servant Air Ministries.

DATE:  Monday December 12th, 2012
  Servant Air Ministires Hanger
(right under the Merritt Island Airport Beacon on the north side of the airport)
TIME:  6pm – 8pm

We would like to invite all airport tenants, family and friends to join us, socialize, and bond together as we Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

WHAT TO BRING:  Please bring a covered dish.
WHAT NOT TO BRING: Alcoholic beverages.

Please RSVP by December 7th to Dick Todd: 321-652-3735 or 321-480-5559

We look forward to seeing you at the Christmas party!
Merry Christmas!

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