SAMI Flights:
Thank you to everyone who supports Servant Air Ministries with their funds, time and talents – we had four mission flights in October!
Click on each flight below to read all the details and see photos.
Ministry Opportunities:
Lawn Crew Needed: the grass around the SAMI hanger needs to be mowed once a week and every two weeks during the winter. If you can provide this service please email
Chapel Clean-Up Crew Needed: before the 2nd Saturday of every month our chapel and bathroom needs to be cleaned. If you are interested in joining the clean-up crew to provide this service please email
Friendly Reminders:
Next SAMI meeting November 12th @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am
The Brevard Country Sheriff Aviation Unit will give a presentation. Please bring a dish to share at our BBQ following the meeting. Thank you!
SAMI Hanger, 471 Manor Dr, Merritt Island, FL 32952 United States.
Share SAMI: members are encouraged to share our ministry with their local church family and pastors. If you would like a SAMI board member to share our ministry and see how we can help your church (remember SAMI can fly pastors to meetings!) please contact Dick Blondin at or phone 321-544-1317.
SAMI Information: Visit our website and Facebook page
SAMI Membership (New and Renewal): is only $35 per year which includes membership to SAMI and Pilots for Christ! Members have access to all detailed information about upcoming missions and volunteer opportunities on the website calendar. SAMI exists to serve others so they can better know Jesus Christ, or discover Him for the first time. If you want to jump in and serve GOD, learn to fly, and be a part of the mission, you need to be a member of SAMI. Subscribe for a Membership and enjoy all of the benefits.