January Highlights

Lachelle with Scott Saunders
Mercy Flight January 10th
Scott Saunders took Lachelle home to Panama City Beach just one day after cancer surgery. Please pray for Lachelle’s quick and complete recovery so she can return to her career as a chef and continue to work on getting her private pilot’s license. Thank you.

Bryce, Dan, Scott, Kristy, and Kevin
Zimmer Family Attends SAMI Meeting!
Dan and Kristy Zimmer shared their gratitude for SAMI and stated our ministry is greatly valued. On October 23, 2016 SAMI participated in a Pony Express Mission flight taking Dan, Kristy and their ten-year-old daughter Bryce to the University of Minnesota where Bryce had surgery for pancreatitis. Since that day SAMI members have been praying for her complete recovery and thanks to God she has recovered ahead of schedule! Doctors stated it would take about one year but we are happy to share Bryce is already attending school full-time and at the meeting was happily running around with her friend.
The Eleventh Commandment
Thank you Bob Lehton for sharing a great message during January’s meeting about emotions in the Bible. The first emotion recorded is fear – Adam and Eve hid from God after disobeying him. God doesn’t want us to fear and throughout the Bible we read how he wants us to have a relationship with him and replace our fear with faith.
Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo
SAMI shared Pilots for Christ Ministry at Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo. Thanks to the wonderful air show staff we had an outside booth next to our 172 on Friday and Saturday. Ten people signed up to receive our newsletter, one person requested information to start a chapter in Fresno, CA and we will hopefully be helping a pastor who goes to the Bahamas four times per year! Thank you Preston, John, Kyle, Dan and Victoria for helping.

Dan inside Sebring booth

SAMI at Sebring

Preston, John, Dan, and Kyle with the 172 at Sebring
Friendly Reminders
Next SAMI Meeting February 11, 2017
Meeting in the chapel from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Please bring a dish to share at our BBQ following the meeting. Thank you!
SAMI Hanger, 471 Manor Dr., Merritt Island, FL 32952
SAMI Membership (New and Renewal)
$35 per year includes membership to SAMI and Pilots for Christ International! SAMI exists to serve others so they can better know Jesus Christ or discover Him for the first time by providing air transportation for people in need and to advance the Gospel. If you want to jump in and serve God, learn to fly, and have access to all detailed information about upcoming missions/volunteer opportunities on our website calendar – please subscribe for membership.
Share SAMI
Members are encouraged to share our ministry with their local church family (remember SAMI can fly pastors to meetings!). Please contact Dick Blondin at rblondin@cfl.rr.com or phone 321-544-1317 if you would like a board member to visit your church. We welcome the opportunity to learn how SAMI can help.
Donations are always welcome!
We are currently raising money to purchase new Bibles to give people we fly and people we meet at air shows. Click Donate or bring a new Bible with a modern translation such as NIV or New King James Version to our next meeting.
Please visit our website and LIKE our Facebook page.