Easter Morning

Easter Morning 2008
Bringing Light to a Dark World
03.23.2008   6:45am – Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA

It was a dark morning with overcast skies, but that wasn’t going to stop Servant Air Ministries from proclaiming the powerful message of Jesus Christ on Easter morning. SAMI’s goal is to be salt and light in a dark world. On this morning, SAMI was both to the faithful beachside services attendees.

Jesus Lives and Jesus Saves.

These were the words printed on the bottom of the two aircraft flown. Christ overcame death to save us, and lives today in us and through us! Whether we are in the air or on the ground, the word of God will be proclaimed!

Dick Blondin and Ryan Roberts piloted the Cessna 172 and Piper Saratoga respectively. There were a total of four groups that were overflown that morning. The two aircraft then returned to base at KCOI, Merritt Island.

Mission Accomplished.

SAMI’s Piper Aztec was in the Bahamas, so all three aircraft were not able to take to the skies this year. Next year however, onlookers should once again see all three aircraft proclaiming those seven words that depict the life of Jesus Christ so succinctly.

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