Easter Morning Flight

Easter Morning 2009
The SAMI Trinity
04.12.2009   6:45am – Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA

Jesus is Risen.

He is Risen indeed. And so did SAMI’s Piper Aztec and Cessna 172. Voyager Aviation added the final Piper Saratoga to round out the “SAMI trinity”, pointing people to the true Trinity. What an incredible way to worship Jesus.

Weather threatened to close in on Merritt Island Airport this Easter morning, but God had different plans. He opened up the skies to allow for this SAMI tradition to continue for one more year. Weather dropped in Melbourne just to the south, but Merritt Island and Cocoa Beach remained clear.

Jesus Saves.

Dick Blondin and Ryan Roberts piloted the Cessna 172 and Piper Aztec respectively, while Glenn flew the Piper Saratoga. Numerous churches looked up, and saw the message printed on the bottom of the aircraft; Jesus is Risen, and Jesus Saves.

Jesus is King.

Thanks to all those who participated, prayed and made this morning possible.

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