Cat Island Mission Trip 2005

The Christian Missionary Alliance Church of Fort Pierce, Florida continued the mission started three years ago in Cat Island, Bahamas.

Servant Air Ministries Aircraft transported nine people in July of 2005.

These missionaries were engaged in church repair, upgrading of existing facilities as well as VBS (Vacation Bible School) camps on Cat Island.

KCOI (Merritt Island, Florida, USA), KFPR (Fort Pierce, Florida, USA) and MYCB (New Bight, Bahamas) were the airport utilized. New Bight is a 450 nm trip that takes about three hours at the power settings required for a roundtrip with no refueling available. Four roundtrips were required (7/23-24 outbound, and 7/30-31 return) resulting in 26.1 hrs. total flight time.

With the Lord’s help and guidance, Cat Island was once again touched and impacted for Christ.

The people of Cat Island look forward to once again have the return of this group again next year. This ministry has grown to be a favorite for Servant Air Ministries, as well as the Christian Missionary Alliance church of Fort Piece. The mission was flown by Dick Todd, with Steve Miller aiding in scheduling and group coordination.

Posted in Bahamas, Mission Trips.