GOD Provides for the Hanger

Update – God provides before we know what we need… [10.15.2009] It is just like God to provide before we even know our own needs. When the original shipment of side panels came, there were five extra side panels that were included in the order that were never ordered. During the wind damage, there were […]

Hanger Groundbreaking, Construction and Wind Damage

Update – Hanger Construction wind damage [10.03.2009] Just as the construction was nearing completion for the new Servant Air Ministries Hanger, the wind decided to be overzealous in its celebration, and caused some damage. The front side aluminum paneling was folded like an accordion before it could be secured to the underlying structure. While this […]

4th Annual SAMI Tour to Israel

4th Annual SAMI Tour to Israel [07.10.2008] Servant Air Ministries Inc. and Torah Class are hosting their 4th annual tour to Israel. The dates are officially March 4-16, 2009. There are 40 spots available, and fill up fast! The cost is $3400 not including taxes or tips. Get you name on the list – email […]

SAMI Donates Flight for School Fund Raiser Grand Prize

SAMI Donates Flight for School Fund Raiser Grand Prize Divine Mercy Catholic School, Merritt Island, Florida, USA [06.25.2008] SAMI donated a one hour flight flight for Divine Mercy Catholic School on Merritt Island. This flight was the grand prize for Doug Moore, the winner of the fund raising contest for their school. He was accompanied on […]

Remembering Marie Fouraker

Remembering Marie Fouraker Skip Williams, Treasurer of SAMI, remembers his mother-in-law [03.28.2008] “In this world you will have trouble – but Jesus Christ has overcome the world!” – John 16:33 Funeral Announcement: The memorial service for Marie Fouraker will be held at the Florida Memorial Gardens in Rockledge, Florida on Saturday, March 29th, 2008. The […]

Easter Morning

Easter Morning 2008 Bringing Light to a Dark World 03.23.2008   6:45am – Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach, Florida, USA It was a dark morning with overcast skies, but that wasn’t going to stop Servant Air Ministries from proclaiming the powerful message of Jesus Christ on Easter morning. SAMI’s goal is to be salt and light […]

Valkaria Air Show

Valkaria Air Show 2008 [02.16.2008] The local EAA chapter 1288 at the Valkaria, FL, airport put on an outstanding air show Saturday, February 16th, 2008. Servant Air Ministries was blessed with being a display near the entrance, drawing interest from many people. Tom Liston and Dick Blondin were SAMI’s representatives during the day, speaking with […]

SAMI Hanger Gets Cleared for Takeoff

SAMI Proposed Hanger gets Cleared for Takeoff Merritt Island Airport, Florida, USA [01.12.2008] SAMI Hanger Project – 20 year Land Lease signed Jan 1, 2008! – Architectural Drawings began Jan 10th, 2008 – Board of Directors has already donated 20% of the total cost – Pray for donations for the remaining $62,000 required to build […]

Pilot's For Christ Logo

23rd Annual Pilots for Christ Convention

23rd Annual Pilots for Christ Conference Hosted in Kansas City, Kansas, USA [09.07.2007 – 09.12.2007] Pilots for Christ (PFC) is an international organization that needs the support of Servant Air Ministries. Servant Air Ministries is the Florida chapter of Pilots for Christ, serving the southeast United States on medical and mercy flights. The conference was […]