Category Archives: Pilot’s For Christ

Meet Mr. Happy! Air Traffic Controller from Orlando Tracon.
Our special guest speaker for May’s Meeting is a young, enthusiastic and experienced air traffic controller who has worked in both the Daytona and Orlando Airspace! We hope you can come to SAMI’s hanger at the Merritt Island Airport for worship and a special Question and Answer session that will add value to all […]

Praying for Our Community
National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2nd! Thank you for praying for our Florida Community’s individuals, families, organizations, businesses and all who are serving in our local, state and federal governmental agencies. SAMI invites all members and supporters to participate in the Bless Prayer below at home, work, school, alone or with others. B […]

Calling for Volunteers – TICO Air Show!
SAMI’s is pleased to announce we will be at TICO Warbirds Airshow March 15, 16 and 17th! SAMI and PFC members who are interested in volunteering, please send an email to Kyle Dixon with your full name and cell phone number so our air show coordinator can connect with you. We appreciate all of your […]

SAMI Celebrates 25 years of Serving Merritt Island Community and beyond!
December 30, 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the beginning of SAMI– Servant Air Ministries, Inc. a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Robert Lehton known as Bob by members and the Pilots for Christ International community. In 1993, Bob came to realize the majority of planes at Merritt Island Airport saw more hours on the ground than […]

Tis the Season for Giving
We hope you can attend our Annual Christmas Potluck Celebration Saturday, December 8, 2018. For meeting details and to RSVP please click on link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4CADAF2CA1FD0-christmas We will be celebrating a special milestone and hope all members can sign-up and come. Did you hear . . . SAMI has already brought happiness to the Merritt Island community […]

Sam’s #Giving Tuesday Fundraiser for Pilots for Christ

SAMI Meeting Saturday Nov 10
All are welcome to attend our meeting this Saturday, November 10, 2018. Our meeting starts at 9 am with Worship in the Chapel next to the hanger at Merritt Island Airport followed by our BBQ Potluck. Our special guest speakers will be Allen and Trish Sowers who are centering their efforts on supporting and empowering the […]

Greetings from the Stuart Air Show!
The SAMI booth with Gloria, Jay, Kyle and Sam, is just inside the green gate entrance, of the Stuart Air Show, next to the tail of the C-130 Hurricane Hunter. Some missionary aircraft are together. Lots to look at, people to meet, etc. We hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Florida weekend our LORD has […]