AMSA (Aviation Ministry Support Association) founder John Hoke and a friend came to SAMI’s August meeting sharing how their organization is taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth by partnering with over 1,000 missionaries. AMSA supports missionary aviation organizations in the USA and helps them come to Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo in Lakeland, Florida including our group SAMI!
At the last Sun N Fun, AMASA was able to host 12 missionary aviation organizations under their large feature tent. AMSA was started by John to bring these missionary organizations to Sun N Fun so they can interact with over a half a million people during the event. They also provide speaking opportunities for the visiting missionaries to share how God is working through missionary aviation around the world.
John shared God’s word with SAMI going into details about the Shunammite woman in 2 King 8 who said Yes to God which put her is a position to receive His best throughout her life. She listened to God, obeyed God and trusted God and He blessed her abundantly! John then proceeded to give SAMI an abundant blessing from AMSA, a check to help pay for part of the new hanger floor! Thank you AMSA for being a great supporter of SAMI!!
If you would like to help us finish paying for the hanger floor please note it is $600 for a full square but any amount God impresses you to give is greatly appreciated.