It will take a lot of effort to help the communities in North Florida and the Panhandle get back to the blessed daily routines of going to “work” outside of a “home.”
We want to bring Christ’s love and supplies to our Florida communities up north as soon as possible.
Servant Air Ministries / Florida Chapter of Pilots For Christ International has an Aztec plane that is available for Hurricane Relief efforts. Please contact us if your PFC chapter wants to do a mission(s) or you are a PFC pilot that is ready to be the hands and feet of Christ for our brothers and sisters in need.
If you are with another Christian Aviation group participating in the current Hurricane Relief efforts in Florida please contact us
Thank you to everyone who is currently praying for all who are hurting and those involved in providing relief.
Below left image is our President Scott Langston in front of Aztec with a small load of Christmas Gifts delivered to Bahama orphans in 2016.
Right image is Aztec today (twin engine plane) waiting for a mission crew.

Scott Langston with Christmas Gifts for Bahamas Children’s Home

Today SAMI’s Aztec on left is ready to fly hurricane relief missions!
“And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” Says the Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6:18