April SAMI Newsletter

Air Shows:

SAMI helps PFC at Sun-n-Fun

Thank you SAMI members for helping Pilots For Christ (PFC) International leaders run their booth at Sun-n-Fun Fly In at Lakeland, Florida April 5th to 10th – one of the largest airshows in the country. Special thank you to (from left to right) Kyle Dixon, Dan Mandracken, Dick Blondin and Brad Goodrich.

SAMI Flights:

March 25 Mission Flight

March 25 Mission Flight

  • March 25 Scott Saunders flew a SAMI/PFC Mission helping a young girl get to a burn unit in Cincinnati.  Scott flew from St. Augustine, Florida to South Carolina where the PFC Cincinnati chapter picked up the girl to continue the journey.
  • Easter sunrise Dick Blondin had a great flight in the 172 along with Dwight Bell’s R44 Helicopter over the worship services taking place on the coast. Worshipers look forward to seeing SAMI’s wings that say, “Jesus Lives!” and the cross on the bottom of the Helicopter.
  • Planning is underway for a flight over our local seats of government to pray for local, state and national leaders, citizens and country on the National Day of Prayer May 5. Prayer Flight on May 5th will be for about an hour from 12:00 to just after 1:00. Please join us in praying for our nation May 5.
  • Information about the use, maintenance, instruction schedule of SAMI’s 172 and Aztec is available on Drop-Box. If you would like access to this information please contact Scott Saunders at scott01s@wmconnect.com
  • Please continue to pray that God will give us direction on how he wants us to use these planes.


Upcoming Event:

Grand Hotel Mackinaw Island

Pilots for Christ International Convention
September 9 @ 1:00 pmSeptember 11 @ 10:00 am

September 9, 10, 11, 2016 Grand Hotel on beautiful Mackinaw Island in Michigan. Special rates, exciting reports, plan on being there! $952.46 total for two includes: up to two guests per room, breakfast daily in the Main Dining Room, Friday private five course dinner, Saturday Grand Luncheon Buffet in the Main Dining Room and private buffet dinner. The reservation form and agenda is at http://www.pilotsforchrist.org/joinpciandevents/annualconvention.html
Reservation Forms Due Wednesday, August 10, 2016.


Friendly Reminders:

Next SAMI meeting May 14th @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am followed by BBQ and fellowship. Please bring a dish to share at our BBQ. Thank you!
SAMI Hanger, 471 Manor Dr, Merritt Island, FL 32952 United States.

SAMI Membership (New and Renewal): SAMI exists to serve others so they can better know Jesus Christ, or discover Him for the first time. If you want to jump in and serve GOD, learn to fly, and be a part of the mission, you need to be a member of SAMI. Subscribe for a Membership and enjoy all of the benefits.
To join or renew click this link https://www.servantairministries.org/involved/become-a-member/

Donations: http://www.servantairministries.org/involved/donate/

Share SAMI: members are encouraged to share our ministry with their local church family and pastors.

SAMI Information: Visit our website www.servantairministries.org and Facebook page www.facebook.com/servantairministries

Posted in SAMI.