April 2017 SAMI Newsletter

Easter Sunrise Flight

April 16, 2017 marked SAMI’s 20th annual Easter Sunrise flight over Cocoa Beach, Florida with 3 aircraft in a ‘V’ formation.

The lead Mooney was flown by Scott Saunders. In the #2 position was Dick Blondin in the Cessna 172 with “Jesus Lives” on the bottom of the wings. Rounding out the #3 slot was Ryan Roberts flying the Piper Aztec with “Jesus is Risen” declared on the bottom of the aircraft. Each pilot had pray partners (Dan, Rob, Sean and Matt) in the cockpit to bless the people they flew over and to help with the flying. We pray that the churches and groups along Melbourne and Cocoa Beaches, as well as anyone else who looked to the sky as the sun was rising, saw that Jesus Saves because HE is our risen Savoir.

Click on Sean’s video to view the flight.

Fiesta Brevard

On April 28th, Dick Blondin and Dan Mandracken shared SAMI’s mission with many people who dropped by the booth they set up for Fiesta Brevard. This special evening event gives members of the nonprofit chamber of commerce an opportunity to raise awareness and funds. Thank you Dick and Dan for representing SAMI!

Melbourne Air Show

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help share SAMI’s mission on April 1st and 2nd and those who provided juice drinks and Bibles to give away! Enjoy the great photos below that Ken Reid took at the Melbourne Air Show on April 1st.

172 Annual

Big THANK YOU to Sean, Steve and Doug for taking 3+ weeks to work on the 172! They replaced one cylinder that had a cracked valve guide and cracked elevator stabilizer plus performed all the basics. Sean plans to replace the 2 seats in the 172 with the help of his wife Paige and their new sewing machine. The Aztec is doing good and in May the safety bolts on the landing gear will be replaced.

WEGO Shares Message at April Meeting

WEGO is special to SAMI since our 172 helped launch the ministry in Central America which is now serving in Nicaragua and Mongolia. Zach Dodd the head of World Evangelistic Global Outreach (WEGO) spoke about John 15:12 “My command is this : Love each other as I have loved you.” Before you can serve others you need to personally understand God’s love for you. Daily think about who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you. Mission is being to others what Christ has been to us.

Friendly Reminders

Next SAMI Meeting May 13, 2017
Meeting in the chapel from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Please bring a dish to share at our BBQ following the meeting. Thank you! Plane rides will be available if the weather permits.
SAMI Hanger, 471 Manor Dr., Merritt Island, FL 32952

SAMI Membership (New and Renewal)
$35 per year includes membership to SAMI and Pilots for Christ International! SAMI exists to serve others so they can better know Jesus Christ or discover Him for the first time by providing air transportation for people in need and to advance the Gospel. If you want to jump in and serve God, learn to fly, and have access to all detailed information about upcoming missions/volunteer opportunities on our website calendar – please subscribe for membership.

Please visit our website and LIKE our Facebook page

Posted in SAMI.