Servant Air Ministries Inc. was in a period of change in 2014. Although mission flight hours were steady over 2014 (see the Annual Report) and meeting attendance has increased, significant changes were underway internally. SAMI longtime President, Dr. Bob Lehton, had decided to retire effective 9/13/14 after 21 years of service. Bob has been faithful and will continue to support SAMI as the President Emeritus, attending BOD meetings as an honorary board member. Mr. Kyle L. Dixon was appointed interim President 9/13/14 until a formal Executive Board slate of officers can be voted in. Ms. Lydia Dixon submitted her resignation as Treasurer effective 9/18/14. Lydia has supported SAMI is this role for over 5 years. Lydia has done well in this temporary assignment performing beyond requirements. The interim President and Board thank them both for their steadfast support.
Additional internal changes have taken place in the format of the monthly SAMI meetings where more fellowship time after the meetings has been instituted by Executive Committee Business Operations Manager, Mr. Scott Langston. Free fun flights piloted by Mr. Dick Blondin have become popular.
One area that has grown significantly is the expansion of a SAMI presence within the social media world due to the efforts of the Web Development Team led by Mr. Ryan Roberts. Mr. Roberts’ team has also made improvements to the SAMI website in the form of a streamlined donation process and making the website more user friendly and professional.
Lord willing, 2015 promises more good changes in making the Christian and secular community aware of how SAMI can serve them as we go about our mission of serving our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mr. Dick Blondin, Executive Director
Mr. Kyle Dixon, President