Again 2006 proved to be a very productive year for flight training, fellowship, prayer, and air transportation services. The price of fuel came down approximately 10% from it doubling the year before. This has still provided somewhat of a restraint on missionary flying because of the cost of gas. This year we flew more hours than last year totaling 379.5 hours utilizing our three aircraft. This being the thirteenth year of the organization’s existence, SAMI continues to maintain its mission statement of providing quality flight training, chapel services on the field, and missionary flight services. 2007 will be exciting because we hope to build a 80×80 hanger on the field which would provide chapel services, recognition of the ministry and shelter for all three aircrafts.
A slate of officers was presented for the upcoming 2006-2007 year. The following officers agreed to serve and were elected: Dr. Robert E. Lehton was elected again as President, Mr. Steve Miller as Vice President, Mr. Ryan Roberts as Board Secretary, and Mr. Skip Williams as Treasurer. A further motion was made to keep the existing nine members of the Board and a nomination was received regarding Mr. Dick Todd to join the Board. The Board unanimously elected all general members and Mr. Todd.
Financially, there are no major expenditures in the year 2006, and Servant Air Ministries, Inc. maintained a stable positive cash flow. Three flight instructors: Patty Carter, Dick Todd and Dr. Lehton, were primary instructors for Servant Air Ministries, Inc. Mr. Dick Blondin, Scott Langston and Ryan Alexander received their private pilot’s licenses this year. They are to be congratulated, and Mr. Blondin and Mr. Alexander are continuing their training for the instrument rating.
A Cessna 172 is used for primary flight training, whereas the Aztec and Saratoga are primarily used for flights to the Bahamas, Central America and throughout the Southeast part of the United States providing Mercy flights.
Our Cessna 172 was used for flight training and missions, and few 224.9 hours this year, almost doubling the utilization of 2005. From all three instructors, flight instruction consisted of 75 hours of flight time and 105 hours of ground school. Mr. Dick Todd, our flight instructor and chief mechanic, donated 18 hours in maintaining all three airplanes in good and usable shape. Mr. Steve Miller has assisted him in being somewhat of an apprentice for an A & P license.
This past year all three airplanes had been used for missionary flights, primarily utilizing the Aztec and Saratoga. Mr. Dick Blondin and Ryan Alexander few the first “pony express” mission flight from Daytona Beach to Sanford, N.C. Both of these men were excited and thrilled by this opportunity to use their recent license to help out in the area of mercy flights. Ryan Roberts, our Secretary, continued to provide outreach to the Cat Island in the Bahamas this year with 24 individuals of the Ft. Pierce Alliance Church involved with summer outreach. The 24 missionaries to Cat Island utilized the service of a DC3 from Missionary Flight International. This year Mr. Dick Todd and Dr. Lehton flew Faith Temple to Grand Island Bahamas, for the annual convention and missionary work surrounding Walker’s Key.
Mr. Dick Todd and Mr. Steve Miller had forged a new alliance with Youth Foundation which is a large youth ministry on Merritt Island. This Fall, they were able to provide air transportation to Governor’s Harbor. Youth Foundation has plans of using Servant Air Ministries, Inc. to take numerous missionaries back and forth between sites in Eleuthra and Merritt Island. The fly-by on Easter morning this year was exciting, because all airplanes were full of participants and we were able to use our PA23 and PA32 with a new under-wing lettering of “Jesus is Risen” and “Jesus Saves”. Spectators on the beach made numerous comments about how much they appreciated Servant Air in providing this Easter morning fly-by for all the churches.
In the Fall of 2006, Servant Air hosted the annual Pilots for Christ International convention. This was held at the Hilton Ocean Front on Cocoa Beach. The participants not only heard from wonderful speakers, but were presented a demonstration of “aero evangelism”. This involves again using our three aircraft to be a light to the world with the lettering “Jesus is Risen”, “Jesus Saves” and “Jesus Lives”. It was an exciting moment for the participants to see how evangelism works. A number of Chapters have asked for prices and how to go about securing lettering for their aircraft.
This year our aircraft flew, as stated earlier, 379.5 hours with 224.9 in our Cessna 172, 70.4 in our Saratoga PA32, and 84.2 in our Aztec PA23. This year was exceptionally enjoyable because hurricanes did not plague Florida over 2006 and allowed much more missionary activities because of better weather conditions.
In February, 2006, Servant Air and Torah Class sponsored its Second Annual Tour to Israel. The group this year consisted of 40 pilgrims traveling from the United States for a two week tour of Israel. February 2007 will be a 3rd Tour of Israel, with 36 pilgrims already signed up by December.
Mr. Dick Blondin, Tom Liston and Ryan Roberts replaced our old VHS web site video with a new video reflecting the activities and vision of Servant Air.
Servant Air Ministries, Inc. continues to support the Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles program. Mr. Dick Blondin, Mr. Dick Todd and Dr. Lehton flew over 65 children for the Young Eagles program at Merritt Island airport. Likewise, Servant Air Ministries expanded its morning breakfasts across the state, providing a booth and video in locations where airports are conducting breakfasts on the field.
To conclude, this is a short summary of the services that Servant Air Ministries has provided in the area of Angel flights, missionary trips and flight training, but there are many other volunteers and members who are not mentioned in this report that made flights in Servant Air airplanes and their own personal aircraft. I believe 2007 is going to be the most exciting year for Servant Air Ministries, Inc., because of our commitment to build a permanent chapel and hanger on the field in Merritt Island. Anyone reading this annual report is encouraged to give financially to Servant Air Ministries this year to bring about such a huge endeavor. I believe having a chapel on the field with our name on the building will be a light to the aviation world to represent our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I sincerely thank all the Board members, pilots, volunteers and supporters of Servant Air Ministries for another wonderful year in 2006 and expect the Lord to even produce greater faithful adventures in the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert E. Lehton, CFII, MEI
President, Servant Air Ministries