JUNE 25, 1998
SAMI Board Meeting Minutes 7:00 pm
Members Present: Bob Lehton, Nick Smith, Doug Shock, Wendell Chancey, Roy Coy, Kyle Dixon
CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Lehton called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM.
READING OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Dixon recommended that the minutes be accepted, with a second by Mr. Chancey. The motion was passed.
Mr. Chancey mentioned that he and Mr. Schoolfield have reviewed the present financial reports of SAMI and found them acceptable. Mr. Chancey motioned to accept the financial report of 1997 as presented to the Board, with a second by Mr. Dixon the motion passed.
Bob presented the presidents report, which included the current maintenance status, equipment status, and financial status for the C-150, C-172 and PA-32. Flight instruction and pilot training consisted of 135 hours taught. Completed missions flights throughout the southeast and Bahamas were described. In addition, Dr, Kronman has volunteered to provide free medical certification examination for SAMI pilots.
Bob and the group discussed Insurance coverage on the C-150, C-172 and PA-32. Minimum flight time requirements for the C-172 for mission pilots will be 300 Hours, for the PA-32, 750 hours to meet current insurance rates. Mr. Coy discussed the impact of pilot minimum hours on low time pilots. An instrument rating is also required to pilot the PA-32.
Mr. Coy’s committee recommended that the following new Board Members be elected to the Board. The same members that are already Board Members and nominations for three new Board Members: Dr. Norm Brown, Mr. Paul Mitton, and Mr. Steve Roberts. Mr. Coy motioned, and Mr. Chancey seconded the nominations, and all passed. The New members were contacted and agreed to serve. Mr. Coy likewise, recommended the dissolution of the Vice President Title and Position. Mr. Coy motioned and Mr. Dixon seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Finally, the slate of Officers presented to the Board was Dr. Lehton for President, Mr. Dixon as Secretary, and Mr. Smith for Treasurer, and seconded by Mr. Chancey. The Board approved the list of officers.
Dr. Lehton stated that in signing checks that one name is appropriate, if the checks will be reviewed by the Treasurer, otherwise if there is no treasurer serving, all checks should be joint signed. Mrs. Mary Mennicke is now producing the S.A.M.I. Newsletter (and doing a excellent job).
Dr. Lehton stated that the singles policy is now published and available at the corporate office. Mr. Lehton suggested that each Board member consider taking a portion of S.A.M.I. membership, to minister to and notify members of upcoming events. Dr. Lehton also discussed the importance of Board members attending the monthly meetings. Mr. Shock suggested the Board meet quarterly instead of annually. Doug volunteered to head the set-up of the quarterly meetings. Mr. Dixon motioned to accept the singles policy as written, Mr. Chancey second the motion, the motion carried.
Dr. Lehton asked the group if the 9:00 Chapel time is good and if the group should continue to meet twice a month on the second and fourth Saturdays. The group agreed on both points to keep them as is.
Mr. Shock discussed the importance of S.A.M.I. leadership attending monthly meetings and the Role/Affect of prayers in the meetings.
Dr. Lehton discussed Board Member accountability to members for spiritual support and the advantages of teaching, specifically on a rotating basis. Dr. Lehton also recommended Board Members become ordained to fulfill the teaching role. Mr. Dixon was in favor of ordination if it benefits S.A.M.I. provided pressure is not applied to hose that may be hesitant to become ordained. Dr. Lehton also suggested the group investigate Ministerial Association Membership. Mr. Shock motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Dixon seconded. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kyle L. Dixon