Dear Dr. Lehton
We are very appreciative of your past support of our ministry to Israel. Your contributions and encouragement have made an impact and we pray that the Lord is blessing your work for Him abundantly in return!
Sometimes history provides us, as Christians, with a window of opportunity to take decisive action to influence the nations and change the outcome of world events. We have come to such a time as this.
Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (pictured), is calling for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. He believes that it is his destiny to trigger a period of chaos, war and bloodshed in order for Islam to dominate the world. (Click here to learn more)
His threats are not idle ones, as he is actively pursuing nuclear weapons and is now capable of producing “industrial-scale” uranium enrichment. What’s more, Ahmadinejad’s open incitement to genocide against Israel is a clear violation the United Nations Charter and international law.
The fact that the Church, for the most part, remained silent while millions of Jews were killed during the Nazi Holocaust should make today’s Christians more determined than ever to speak out. Today’s Church must take a stand against Ahmadinejad and his call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.”
We must never remain silent again!
That’s why the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is circulating an online petition calling for the UN’s newly elected Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to indict Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Incitement to Commit Genocide and bring him to justice before he is armed. We are mobilizing all of our branches around the globe in this effort and have already drawn support from Christians in more than 87 nations!
But we need your help to make our voices heard.
Would you to partner with us in this effort by endorsing the petition and providing a link to it on your church or ministry website? We have attached a downloadable image (opposite) that you can simply copy and load onto your homepage. The link will take you to a short flash movie that points out the chilling similarities between Hitler and Ahmadinejad. It is our hope that by watching it Christians will be moved to take a stand for Israel by signing the petition and, above all, to seek the Lord in prayer.
If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to respond to this email or call the ICEJ-USA office in Murfreesboro, TN on (615) 895-9830.
Thank you so much for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
God bless and Shalom!
Susan Michael, USA Director